Creative concept, curatorial work & exhibition design for TypeOn, a showcase of Contemporary font design.
Communication campaign activates the public to engage in call to action campaign in social media and The Nut hub to contribute creatively finding fonts hidden in real life objects. TYPEON discusses the state of Contemporary Chinese font and showcases the work of innovators in the field.
In its ubiquity, type becomes invisible. Daily, we inhale characters as we do air. From billboards, emails, logos and newspapers. On business cards, toilet doors, t-shirts and milk cartons. Times New Roman, 黑体, Arial, Courier.
It would be impossible to picture a world without type. But how often do we stop and see what we’re reading, or notice how the expression of language is altered by placement and composition? Do we perceive the absence of a serif, or observe the critical space between an a and a b?
Take a closer look.